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Polaris Systems Inc.

BT2450 Strapping Tool┃Strapping Hand Tools

BT2450 and BT3920 High Performance Battery Operated Power Tools are utilizing the latest in strapping technology. The PAC BT2450 and BT3920 are “best in class” banding gun for all of your strapping needs. These tools cover a wide range of strapping widths from 1/2” (12mm) to 3/4” (19mm). Tension levels range from 550 to 900 lbs. to cover a broad spectrum of applications. These tools are field ready for polypropylene and polyester strapping and will consistently deliver superior performance and reliability for your strapping needs.

Standard Features:

  • Digital Touch Panel
  • Tension, Sealing, are controlled through the touch screen. Battery level, “soft mode”, mode (semi auto or one hand auto) are also accessed through the touch screen.
  • Brushless Motors
  • German manufactured brushless technology reduces maintenance, and increases reliability.
  • Environmentally friendly Lithium Ion batteries can be recharged up to 1,000 times.
  • Simple adjustment for different strapping widths.
  • Strap width adjustments are simple and can be done at customer’s location.
  • Heavy Duty, ergonomic housing design.



BT2450 BT3920
Applications Regular Duty Applications High Tension Applications
Weight 9.5 lbs. (4.3Kg) 9.7lbs. (4.4 Kg.)
Seal Joint 80% joint efficiency 80% joint efficiency
Tension Capability 90-550 lbs. (24-250KG) 130-880 lbs. (60-400Kg)
Strap Width 1’2” – 5/8” (12-16mm)

5/8”-3/4” (16mm-19mm)

Strap Thickness PPY .022”-.041” (.55-1.05mm)
PET .020”- .041” (.50-1.05mm)

PPY .030” - .053” (.75-1.35mm)
PET .023”- .053” (.60-1.35mm)

Battery Specs Lithium Ion 18v, 4.0 Ah
110-240V 50/60 Hz,
1000 charges (Battery Life)
Recharge Time – 40 minutes


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